Sunday 1 December 2013

Welcome back charlie

Hey guys this is just a quick little post that i wanna say ummmm... charlie just got back from the north island of New Zealand and i wanna say welcome back and guys remember te check out his blog its got all the stuff he did and so yeah bye!!!!!

Sonic Boom

Hey whats up guys this terms inquiry was as you may or may not know is energy.
So basicly our awesome Teacher Mr Marquand told us we had to make a slide about something we learnt i paired up with Finn Hamill. and this is what we got.

Its pretty awesome please please pleeeeeaaaaassseee comment and ill see you later.

Thursday 14 November 2013

Ag Day

On Wednesday 16th of October Te Pahu school had their yearly Aricultural day.Where students get to show leadership and responsibility. Ag day is where the students of Te Pahu school have to create different objects and gizzmos such as bird houses portable garden etc. Thats half the responsibility. and then thiers the leadership and the other half which is where student have to bring either a calf a kid or a lanb and lead them in the ring. Why have this fantastic day? Because its a chance to get Agricutual in to childrens learning

So I decided to get some info on what someone thought of ag day for this i chose gagan singh. "What did you think of the day". "Pretty awesome I guess". It  wasn't what i was looking for but hey its his opinion so yeah Ag day was awesome and im sure the PTA is allready getting onto next years ag day.


This Term our inquiary is energy. We have all learn't so much about energy like describing the conservation it such as. Energy can not be created or destroyed it can only be transformed. There's all sorts of different types of energy. Like magnesium electricity, heat, light, kinetic(motion), potential(held back)and sound

So Energy our Teacher Mr Marquand showed us alot to do with sound. He showed us this cool trick when to ties a string around a spoon or knife. Then tie both ends of the string on your index fingers pop your fingers in your ear and bang it on a table or a chair and then you get a awesome ringing sound. He also taught us that sound is molicules rippleing of each other through the air growing bigger and bigger utill it can no longer enhance

So as you can see Energy can be fun or natrual any way yeah BYE!!!!!!

Thursday 19 September 2013


Hey guys WE GOTS A NEW STUDENT Chad lumb he has been to this school before but went to a different school that i really don't know how to spell. Any way I hope you settle in well I am looking forward to well just having you in our class on and by the way welcome back!!!!

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Hey guys today we went to The habitat its like a zoo. So we decided to get our photos taken with a Python yeah awesome right pixie!!! Guess what his name was Monty. And i also decided to get my photo taken with a koala and his name was Samson he was fluffy and had a good grip on you. when we were walking around all the different animals we came across some baby wallabies. One in particular was my favorite he loved me feeding him and he kept following me and i named him Alfred but i had to eventually leave. Oh and Daniel i know how to are about caps and got a really sweet one like yours. so yeah cya later.

Monday 2 September 2013

Hey Room 7 I'm in Port Douglas yesterday the family went out to the Great Barrier Reef. the fish were amazing and the all the Coral was awesome. The house we're staying in is a Villa its a great place to stay in. The first night we stayed here we had ice cream from a shop called wicked ice cream. it goes by its name i had a double scoop with caramel fudge ice cream top and cookies and cream on the bottom so i ended up almost vomiting and through it inn the bin. And then there's the pool well pools. And its actual sea water its called the small lagoon. The hotels name is Sheraton Mirage. So that's about it keep checking for updates on the trip.